LINK LAB Ltd., is a pioneer in calibration services of scientific laboratories.

It is the first company in Greece that was ISO 17025 accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD) in calibration of purely analytical instruments, (UV-Vis spectrophotometers / March 2006 accreditation) and has introduced calibration in analytical instruments.

Our objective is the in-depth collaboration with our customers, which is based on in the continuously better and technically evener offer of calibration services in combination with the most optimal relation of cost and quality of services.

The metrology sector of LINK LAB Ltd. offers complete solutions of high quality with comparative advantages.
We undertake calibration contracts for ALL quality control instruments and ALL production equipment of industries, offering complete coverage.

We allocate experienced and perfectly trained in production and analysis personnel, offering services which cover a wide range of instruments, measuring devices and equipment.

We operate most measurements on site, thus decreasing the time required for instruments calibration.

We provide the best relation of cost and quality of services offered.
The metrology sector of LINK LAB Ltd. offers up to today its services to more than 400 Laboratories and Industries.
Our customer list includes:
Food and Beverages Industries
Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industries
Chemical Industries (Paints, Plastics, Chemicals)
Laboratories of Research Institutes
Laboratories of Educational Institutions
public Sector Laboratories
Private Analysis Laboratories
Private Enterprises (Hotels, Chains of Restaurants, Catering etc)